Tuesday 30 March 2010

A Trip to the Postal Packing Centre

When a package is to be sent from India to another country, the contents need to be sewn into white canvas by an approved Parcel Packer. Once the final seam has been completed, both send and return addresses need to be written on the cloth in thick, black marker.  

Tip:  Make sure the inner wrapping is plastic to keep the marker from seeping through to the contents!

Thursday 4 March 2010


We walked up the hill to the Monkey Temple in Jaipur and yet I took no photos of the temple.  Just the monkeys for which is was named. I am fascinated with monkeys, especially when I can interact with them directly.

There was one tiny monkey who got tired of waiting for Tukesh to give him another peanut, so he leaped into the air, rebounded off of Tukesh's hip and made a grab for the bag as he arced away. I want to take that one home.

These monkeys are more confident than any other group I've met.  Several of them tried to grab the bags of nuts from our hands.  Most of them would take a peanut from our hand and then pull our fingers out straight to check for more.  Even the littlest ones would fight the bigger ones over a peanut.

One of the larger males, who had been bullying the smaller ones, got annoyed with me for ignoring him. As I was walking toward a group of smaller monkeys, I felt the back of my long top being pulled backward. He'd grabbed it and was yanking me back to where he was. When I turned around he 'shouted' at me. I made a loud grunting noise and made an angry face, so he backed off. Ooh ooh ooh... I am the monkey queen!

Monday 1 March 2010

Happy Holi 2010!

This year, we celebrated in Bikaner at the residence of the local Raj.  He didn't ride around on a camel whilst waving a sword and shrieking war cries, but he did put out a fairly decent spread.